Made the trip from Colorado to Virginia to attend the Fredericksburg gallery opening, Textures and Patterns. Spent an enjoyable evening with artists, staff and juror David White. Best of all… was one of 13 award winners and sold one of the two pieces juried into the exhibition.
Special thanx to curator Carol Morgan for her help and hosting. In addition, made a retail contact with a local wood specialty provider and will be exploring that opportunity with some test marketing over the next few months (as soon as I can build inventory).
Below is the results flyer from FCCAVA. Missed being able to share the experience with Karen but her speaking schedule just didn’t allow us to coincide the visit. Next time…

What an inspiration you are! I can’t believe how incredibly beautiful each piece is and how much detail there is in each one. They truly are a labor of love. We love our piece. Truly a masterpiece.